【Global Startup Lab 13th】
各国 アグリテック AgTech Startupによるピッチ】~
(火)19:00~21:00 (*普段と違い、今回は火曜日の開催になります)
(東京都渋谷区神宮前5丁目53−67 コスモス青山コスモスサウス3F)
■来場定員:50名程度 (※応募者数が50名を超える場合は抽選になります)
毎回世界中のStartupに関するリアルな情報をお届けするGlobal Startup Lab。トーマツベンチャーサポート(TVS)では、TVS各地域の担当者が現地スタートアップを開拓しております。今回は、日本国内にいると見逃されがちな世界のアグリテック AgTechスタートアップエコシステムの解説と、世界のアグリテック AgTechスタートアップ(欧州、東南アジアから計4-5社程を予定しております)によるピッチを行います。
①19:00-19:15:世界のスタートアップエコシステム アグリテック AgTech動向について
トーマツ ベンチャーサポート株式会社
Alba Zurriaga Carda (Ms.)
Expert in Biotechnology; BSc and MSc from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Technology Management for Innovation graduate from the School of Engineering of The University of Tokyo, for the application of science and technology to business. PhD researcher on Startup Ecosystems. Experience as an entrepreneur, co-founded the Mobile App AnchorUp.
②19:15-20:30:各国 アグリテック AgTechスタートアップによるピッチ(下記を含む4-5社程予定)
▶ CropIn
An Indian B2B Farm Management and Data-driven Farming Startup. - SmartFarm solutions for food processing and other corps. to trace small and large farms, for pest control and disease analysis, etc. - SmartSales and mWarehouse solution for managing and predicting supply chain and inventory management - Crop Analytics, data-driven prediction, geo-spatial analysis for agri-finance, crop insurance, etc. - Customers in 8 countries – India, SE Asia (Vietnam, Myanmar, etc.), Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, etc.)
▶ Eggxyt
Eggxyt is developing a technology that detects the sex of chick embryos immediately after the eggs are laid and before they enter the 21-day incubation process. The detection prevents chicks from hatching unnecessarily, keeping the eggs within the food industry, addressing the common ethical, environmental, and economic problems of egg and poultry production.
▶ iGrow
iGrow is a marketplace that helps under-employed farmers and under-utilized land to produce organic food and sustainable incomes with cloud-based agricultural management software. The company connects farmers, landowners, and backers to create food organic plantations such as olive, durian, peanut, banana, avocado, date palm, and longan. Investors could benefit from revenue sharing between 13-24% of the investments per year.
▶ Aerovinci
Aerovinci, TU Delft spin-off, makes drone operations fully automated and truly scalable with their own patented technology. Their DroneDock is a fully self-sustaining drone docking station that allows drones to land, recharge, process data, and transmit actionable information to end users autonomously, with no human interaction required. DroneDock integrates with most major data collection platforms, providing a fully integrated end-to-end solution.
その他 登壇予定企業 TBA